Saturday, December 15, 2012

my stress verse

  1. Psalms 37:5 Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act.

    I like this verse because it reaffirms that God is always there for his children and always ready to act on their behalf. 

wheaton college

The reason I am considering attending college here is I am thinking I  want to be an engineer or a pre med and this college is exceptional in both

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


SO my day has been absolutely crap...

-to start I went to turn in my homework to one class and a classmate before me received the help of you need to underline thesis statement, create a title for your outline, and make every sentence a complete sentence not just thoughts but she got a 100 for it. OK, I say to myself I missed all that and nothing else so I should get a 100 too, she gets to me and I get a 70... wait what? how the heck does that work? but I don't feel like getting into another argument with this teacher so I call it quits.

-this next one is more of my fault but since it's my blog i'm gonna blame it on the teacher. So we get into math class and we have a quiz, all I have to do is get an 88 on this quiz and I don't have to take the exam... easy right? WRONG!!! I knew 3 questions which means I did not get an 88. Which would normally be all my fault except that the whole class was saying "I DON'T GET IT!!!!" and yes i mean the whole class. So that should send up a red flag saying hey lets help them out a little more or make a new quiz, review today, and take it tomorrow..... that obviously did not happen.

-So, to conclude my day was totally messed up.... tell me about yours.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

forced to embed again

I am forced to be tested on embedding a video again sooooo here is the same one

example of embedding a video

This post is an example of embedding a multimedia object, in this case, a video

  1. Locate the video on a video sharing site (like you-tube)

  2. Under the video (usually), click the share button to get the code you need.

  3. Highlight and copy the code.

  4. Go back to your post.

  5. switch to HTML view.

  6. paste the code where you want the video to show up.

embedding means that while the image or appears on the video appears on your blog.
the actual content remains on the server remains on the server that hosts it.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

If its between 8:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. monday through friday then this is probably how I look.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Welcome to Reid's Blog

Dear new adventurer,

I once saw a movie where the world was about to end and somebody goes this is exactly like high school. I couldn't agree more with that statement. High school is horrible, and this is my most recent curse.... starting a blog. anybody who wants to give me some helpful tips with keeping up with this blog is most welcome and I hope This is a fun new experience.