Tuesday, December 11, 2012


SO my day has been absolutely crap...

-to start I went to turn in my homework to one class and a classmate before me received the help of you need to underline thesis statement, create a title for your outline, and make every sentence a complete sentence not just thoughts but she got a 100 for it. OK, I say to myself I missed all that and nothing else so I should get a 100 too, she gets to me and I get a 70... wait what? how the heck does that work? but I don't feel like getting into another argument with this teacher so I call it quits.

-this next one is more of my fault but since it's my blog i'm gonna blame it on the teacher. So we get into math class and we have a quiz, all I have to do is get an 88 on this quiz and I don't have to take the exam... easy right? WRONG!!! I knew 3 questions which means I did not get an 88. Which would normally be all my fault except that the whole class was saying "I DON'T GET IT!!!!" and yes i mean the whole class. So that should send up a red flag saying hey lets help them out a little more or make a new quiz, review today, and take it tomorrow..... that obviously did not happen.

-So, to conclude my day was totally messed up.... tell me about yours.

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